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Real-Time Analytics

for Applications

Get real-time analytics in your application by replicating your transactional table to an analytical table running DexterityDB. Automatically route your application's read/analytical queries to this table for quick answers to the questions that will make your application run more smoothly and effectively. Use with a single machine or multi-machine setup.

OLTP Configuration (InnoDB) -> Master-Slave Replication -> OLAP Configuration (DexterityDB)


Write Query -> ProxySQL -> InnoDB

Read Query -> ProxySQL -> DexterityDB

Real-Time Analytics

Stay Fresh

Keep data fresh and synced up with quick ingestion that is on average 10x faster than InnoDB. Your applications get access to analytics on the most recent data to give the best results.


Deduplication and how it affects Ingestion >

Blazing Analytics

DexterityDB's sophisticated filtering and aggregation techniques bring real-time, high-performance analytics to the MySQL platform, opening up new architectural possibilities.


Fetchless Operations >

Combinator Indexes >

Skimmed Aggregations >

Inherited Replication

Because DexterityDB plugs into various databases, it can utilize the classic replication that is already built into those systems, increasing reliability and functionality.​


MySQL/MariaDB/Percona Integration >

Automatic Optimization

Intelligent partitioning keeps your dataset optimized for your specific hardware setup, squeezing out every drop of performance. This happens in real-time during insertion and in the background.


Micro Partitioning >

Low Latency


Set up logging on your biggest systems with confidence. Replace your current databases storage engine with DexterityDB to achieve quick ingestion that eliminates the need to slow down your operations so that your database can catch up. When it's time to look back, search and analyze logs quickly and efficiently with powerful filtering technology. Smart partitioning reduces locks so logging won't slow down while you search.

External Operations -> Logging Configuration (DexterityDB) -> (Optional) Search and Analysis tools


Lightspeed Logging

DexterityDB ingestion is on average 10x faster than InnoDB and can keep up with logging and searching loads. It holds its own with massive systems that cause other engines to get overwhelmed and delay query execution.


Deduplication and how it affects Ingestion >

Inherited Tools

Because DexterityDB plugs into various databases, it can utilize the search and analytics tools that you already use with those systems. There is no need for additional training.


MySQL/MariaDB/Percona Integration >

Automatic Optimization

Intelligent partitioning keeps your dataset optimized for your specific hardware setup, squeezing out every drop of performance. This happens in real-time during insertion and in the background.


Micro Partitioning >

Quick Searching

DexterityDB's sophisticated filtering and aggregation techniques make searching and analytics fast and efficient. This allows for consistent logging even while running complex queries.


Fetchless Operations >

Combinator Indexes >

Skimmed Aggregations >



Quicker report generation allows for more agility in your business, and the ability to incorporate even more data into your analytics means better quality decision-making. DexterityDB was designed to handle intensive OLAP jobs such as large reports that require complex queries and massive datasets supplied by OLTP configurations and an ETL process.

OLTP Configuration (InnoDB) -> ETL Process -> OLAP Configuration (DexterityDB) -> Report Generation Tool

Lightning Ingestion

Ingress with quick ingestion that is on average 10x faster than InnoDB and multi-threaded bulk insertions that can eliminate common bottlenecks in ETL processes. 


Deduplication and how it affects Ingestion >

Automatic Optimization

Intelligent partitioning keeps your dataset optimized for your specific hardware setup, squeezing out every drop of performance. This happens in real-time during insertion and in the background.


Micro Partitioning >

Fast Reports

DexterityDB's sophisticated filtering and aggregation techniques ensure that reports are generated quickly and efficiently even on huge datasets.


Fetchless Operations >

Combinator Indexes >

Skimmed Aggregations >

Report Generation
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